Specialist in EMDR, Trauma Therapy, and Chronic Illness for Millennial Women.

Heal-at-the-Root Therapy with Emma Huber, LCSW

Virtual EMDR Therapy anywhere in North Carolina, Colorado, & Oregon.

Feel free to scroll on through and look for something that speaks to you.
Take what you need and leave the rest for another time.

So sick of pretending to be someone you’re not.

The last 6 months have been a full-on dumpster fire for you. You feel frazzled and overstimulated and sometimes you have no idea why.

And then the guilt and depression show up. Ugh….not again. You’re so fed up with the constant ups and downs.

That and the self-pressure you feel to be everything for everyone around you.

Taking on responsibilities as if there are 100 hours in the day, overcompensating and outrunning your self-worth.

It's the reason you're so extremely guarded. Letting people know the real you is a risk you're scared to take.

And yet, you've been craving genuine connection more than ever.

This is what you’ve been waiting for.

Never did you ever...think that so many things in your life would change and rearrange in such a beautiful way. So quickly…Whattt!

Really happy you gave EMDR a shot, even though at first, it sounded a bit out there and unreal to you.

And that's saying something, coming from someone who's always open to new things.

Spoiler alert: a huge weight has been lifted…finally some relief.

Surface-level interactions and relationships simply won’t do for you. Never again.  Meaningful connections feel so natural and valuable to you.

Even when things don't go according to plan, you feel confident leading yourself through it.

Getting good vibes yet?!

I’m so glad you’re here! And if I were your therapist (really hope I will be), my goal is for you to find what you're looking for here.

I'm here to support you with empathy and understanding, no matter where you're at each week. Together, we'll work through it.

And now, the moment you've been waiting for...

The Specialties!

(drum roll!)

  • Trauma and PTSD

    Like carrying a backpack full of bricks, each one representing a past hurt or trauma. You're just so tired of lugging it around and wish you could finally set it down for good.

  • Therapy for Women

    This is for you Millennials and Gen Zers– fed up with societal expectations holding you back. It's time to ditch that patriarchal baggage, say goodbye to guilt and anxiety, and start living your life with genuine joy and rock-solid confidence!

  • Chronic Illness Therapy

    Juggling multiple monthly doctor appointments and drop-in visits, on top of new health hurdles, is no joke. With an exceptional support person by your side, you’ve found a new rhythm for living your best life with all this health stuff happening.

EMDR is like turning the volume down on intense emotions.

Imagine you're watching a movie on Netflix, and suddenly, the volume gets turned up really loud. To level 100.

The sound is so overwhelming you’d like to jump right out of your skin. It’s uncomfortable and hard to focus on anything else. Full sensory overload.

Now, imagine that you have a special remote control called EMDR.

When you use this remote, it's like turning the volume down on those intense emotions.

The noise becomes quieter and more manageable. You can think more clearly, and the overwhelming feelings start to fade away.

With each session of EMDR therapy, it's like adjusting the volume until you find that sweet spot where emotions are no longer overpowering.

You feel more at ease, able to handle whatever comes your way without feeling overwhelmed by intense emotions.

What healing looks like:

A brief walk-through of how EMDR sessions flow:

  1. We won’t jump right into the difficult memories. We’ll start with some prep work. 

  2. Like new tools to help you feel safe and supported as you revisit the tough stuff.

  3. When you're ready, we'll explore the memories that need attention.

  4. We’ll use a technique to do this, you get to choose: eye movement, tapping, or sounds. (Don’t worry, we’ll practice first.)

  5. This will help you concentrate on the thoughts, feelings, and images from the difficult memories.

  6. We'll organize everything in ways that make you feel better.

  7. We'll continue with more sessions and celebrate your progress and relief as you notice breakthroughs.

  8. The memories have faded into the background, allowing you to finally move forward from them.

Just doing what I love.

Being there for others, guiding them through their healing journey with genuine care and commitment.

Hey There, I’m Emma!

Big thanks for hanging out with me and diving into what I'm all about – I appreciate it!

Giving you the warmest welcome to Apricity Bay Therapy, your safe space to be seen, feel valued, and celebrated. During our time together, expect to build a genuine bond, share a few laughs, and have those 'she totally gets me' moments along the way.

Consider this the first step you take to build those meaningful connections.